7 July 2012

Why not try digital signature?

Digital signature on documents is one of the areas where technology has made a significant difference and improvement to Document Controllers’ daily tasks.

Indeed, in companies which have implemented digital signatures, Document Controllers no longer have to print documents out, to walk around offices to gather the signatures, and then to scan the signed documents in.

With digital signature, we manage only electronic copies all the way through, up to their signature point. This is really a huge gain in terms of time and manhours. Probably more than 10 minutes per document are no longer wasted.

In addition, the digital signature is available from anywhere, and one of the benefits really is that people can actually sign even if they are not in the office. We no longer have to wait for a manager to return from a business trip to physically sign a document.

One area where this has also significantly improved our lives  is signature of  transmittal sheets. Physically signing every transmittal sheet and acknowledgement of receipt can literally represent a significant part of our daily tasks. Electronic signature has significantly improved this process.

As every change in any work process, the implementation of digital signatures requires proper discussions, agreements (notably on the contractual / legal side), but it is undoubtedly a great improvement in terms of processes and workload.

1 July 2012

The Document Control Tribune

The first issue of the Document Control Tribune is now available! This is a free newsletter, so do not hesitate to subscribe here: http://www.consepsys-im.com/newsletter.html

In this issue:

Why Implement Document Control?
These questions come more often than you may think: "Why do I need Document Control? Why implement it? Can't our employees/engineers do their own filing?"

Why not try electronic signature?
Digital signature on documents is one of the areas where technology has made a significant difference and improvement to Document Controllers’ daily tasks.

Mapping workflows and processes
Most times, a good graphical procedure is more efficient than plain text.

Final Documentation and Safety
Final Documentation is one of the phases whereby Document Control and Safety overlap and collide.

Download the Document Control Tribune here: http://www.consepsys-im.com/newsletter.html

An article from Consepsys Information Management